Saturday, November 19, 2011

What flower (part 3)?

I need some help with another one. Once again, this was found in the Dominican Republic and I can't find a match online.

Thanks again!

What flower (part 3)?
Reply:looks like anemone.
Reply:Could be cosmos.

How or where can I identify a unique flowered plant that was found growing wild in woods behind my home?

Has 2 big oval shaped green leaves at bottom of plant. A green stem approx.10-12" comes up out of this. At top of stem is the unusal looking pink flower. It droops down, kinda like a foxglove or lenden rose grows.Has 1-2 very small green leaves at its base. Flower part is shaped sorta like a cornucopia with a small opening buried right in its center. It is pink, with deeper pink, or even purplish distinct viens within the petal. Appears to be only made up of 1 petal that is folded in on itself. There are about 10-12 growing all in same area of deep woods. Some appear to be growing in a line of about 4-5. One other detail about the flower area; In between the actual flower and small green leaves' on both sides tucked up in there, appears to be a white berry, reminds me of a miseltoe berry. Can't locate anyone or any source who can definately tell me what this is. I have not ever seen a flower like this before, it is very different looking. I want to try and transplant a few to my yard.

How or where can I identify a unique flowered plant that was found growing wild in woods behind my home?
Contact your university extension office nearest you or the Dept. of Natural R esources, Or your Conservation Office. Try to get a pic to put online I would like to see it
Reply:There still isn't enough information in your question for me to make a positive identification on the plant. Never less I would like to comment about your plans on digging it and transplanting to your yard.Digging wildflowers often contributes more to their destruction than conservation. Please "love 'em and leave 'em. Many states have laws on picking or digging wildflowers on both private and/or state land. Few wildflowers survive transplanting and many others are sacrificed for the ones that do survive. Nature grows these natural gardens so that we may enjoy them not destroy them.
Reply:most botanical gardens have an email address to ask questions it usually takes three days to get an answer just look up the garden in your state and at the top of the page you will see email just click on that and your on your way to professional answers
Reply:Pitcher plant?

rain roots

What flowers have both male and female parts?

what flowers would have both male and female reproductive parts?

What flowers have both male and female parts?
Perfect flowers have both pistillate (female) AND staminate (male) parts. Complete flowers have both sepals and petals as well as pistils and stamens.
Reply:Bisexual flowers like hibiscus have male and female reproductive parts.
Reply:Hi All of them.
Reply:All the ones classified as "angiosperms". Which I think is ALL flowering plants...

Which part of the hibiscus flower is the seed?

As the flowers die, do not cut them off. The seed is at the base of each flower. The flower will fall off the stem and you will see a small green ball. These will grow bigger and turn black/brown with the seeds inside. At this point, the seeds have dried. You can now cut off the pods with the seeds inside.

(Be sure to soak them a couple of days before planting.)

During the seed making time, be sure to keep you hibiscus watered. It still needs plenty of water.

Which part of the hibiscus flower is the seed?
On hibiscus you are better off doing "hard cuttings" ...I lived in the Florida Keys 6 years and turned one hibiscus tree into 12..simply cut at an angle some of the fresher greener looking new growth on them, stalks about 8 to 10 inches long, dip them in "root stimulator" available at any garden center, wal mart, home depot etc.....Then plant them in the soil..straight to where you want to plant them...they will grow..pull the leaves off except top 2 or 3 sets on these cuttings....You can do a Water propogation as well if you like..heres a link on it

Can you plant a flower from a bouquet and cause more to grow?

I know it sounds stupid, but i was wondering if you planted roses, like just the bottow part where the stem is, more would grow. I am sure the answer is no, but hoping it is yes.

Can you plant a flower from a bouquet and cause more to grow?
It is not easy to do and it depends on a lot of factors. When you get roses in a bouquet they are normally cut too short to root. You need a stem with leaves on it, at least.

Rooting hardwood cuttings (which is what you are trying to do) needs practice and time. You will need rooting compound, peat, a pot, and a plastic bag. See the instructions on this web site.
Reply:You might root it but you will have to cut the flower off and put the stem into a jar of water. Put some foil over the top and suspend the stem in the foil if possible to keep the stem off of the bottom of the jar to allow the stem to grow. This would take some time but it very well could work. I don't take it that you have a woody stem but rooting it may be more effective in a pot of often-watered sand.
Reply:You can try a product called Root Tone; it is used to help enable a clipping to grow roots. Also, there is a product called Take Root, they both have the same purpose, and it appears that Rose growers have successfully used them.

Search for those products and you can get more specific info, or go to a local nursery and ask about them.
Reply:no. actually for some yes. it is not stupid becuase flowers such as hibiscus will grow back. as long as the hibiscus has a woody stem all you need to do it put it in water and wait for it to root.

What do you think about a flower or starish design on the top of my foot on the low part?

If that is what you want on your foot, then get it. Now remember that you will need to not wear a shoe for a few days after. Sandals only.

Why do you need our opinon anyway. Tattoos are a personal thing and should be done because you want them. Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one.

Enjoy your new tattoo.

What do you think about a flower or starish design on the top of my foot on the low part?
That sounds real cute! Let me just warn you, foot tattoos hurt a lot, I have one on each foot, and they were really painful!
Reply:that'd be cute maybe cherry blossoms with whatever color flower.
Reply:cut if thats what ur in to. and simple. its a nice chose for some people. but its ur body do what u want to with it if thats what u want ans thats what u like tell the world to kiss urs. and do what makes u happy jsut not something wrong like kill or steel
Reply:foot tattoos are great! i have one foot completely tattooed (not my toes or the bottom of the foot though).... make sure you take REALLY good care of it in healing-- because they get a lot of friction from socks and shoes, and the kind of skin on your feet, they often age pretty badly. Make sure you keep it moisturized and put sunscreen on it anytime you were sandals and it will hold up ok! Enjoy it!
Reply:Get whatever you like not what everyone else likes....c'mon your smarter than that
Reply:Depending on the design of the flower or star.
Reply:I think either one would look cool , go for it !
Reply:very cute...if i ever got a tattoo it would be on my foot
Reply:I like tattoos by the ankle a lot... if its something small like a flower or star thats kool... (tribal star or sun!)
Reply:that would look very sexy,but 2 many tattoes dont look very nice!stick 2 just 1 or 2!!
Reply:Thats would be look preety, charming and calm. this from my observe to my customers.
Reply:If thats' what you want, then go for it.
Reply:i love foot tattoos!! i have a big butterfly covering my left foot and i get comments on it all the time. i will say thought that particular one hurt worst than any of my others. its definitely a painful experience, but i guess thats the price you pay to get inked.

Why do hotels always use white towels

In what part of a dicots flower are seeds produced?

thanks in advance

In what part of a dicots flower are seeds produced?
Seeds develop from fertilized ovules, which are housed inside the carpel.
Reply:The ovary. Seeds always develop from ovules inside the ovary. Different fruits often have different parts that you will eat (mesocarp, receptacle, etc.), but the seeds are made in the ovaries.

What IS Longer The Male or female part of a flower?

The male part( the stamen) is longer.

What IS Longer The Male or female part of a flower?
female is the stem the male is the flower female..right?

Uhh,, acually I have no idea..
Reply:The stamen, which is the male part, is longer and thinner; the female part, which is called the pistil, is shorter and thicker.
Reply:female is longer the male is just the pollen.

Is there a free photo editing program that i can use to make some parts of a black and white picture in color?

how could i make flowers in a black and white picture the only part in color?

Is there a free photo editing program that i can use to make some parts of a black and white picture in color?
Not free, but Adobe Photoshop Elements is a good inexpensive one for you to try.

This effect is called selective color.

Try these step-by-step tutorials:
Reply:Try Google Picasa.

It's free, and it's good for really basic use (and it does that function you're talking about).

Just search for it on Google.
Reply:CHIPPIE, you are a retard.

Anyways yeah GIMP is a great freeware. PS is still better but for free GIMP can't be beat.
Reply:retards dont know, but there is a program EXACTLY like photoshop called "gimp"

look it up on google or go to the website

very good program

dont waste your money on photoshop
Reply:you probably already know what i'm going to say....... photoshop. but other than that, i dont know a free program. but if you buy it, buy it at costco. it's waaaay cheaper there..
Reply:try blackmagic

Which part of a flower does the pollen stick to?

Pollen is formed in the stamen. When the pollen is transported via the wind or an animal, the pollen that lands on the pistil of a flower will grow a pollen tube down the pistil.

Which part of a flower does the pollen stick to?
Reply:The sticky stigma.
Reply:the pistil is tubular=the stigma at top is where the pollen sticks,the style is the tube,and the ovary contains the ovules

massage shoes

Peace lily creates green flowers?

What am I doing wrong that the white flower parts of my peace lily turn green? Do I need to re-pot the plant and change the soil?

Peace lily creates green flowers?
It is very normal for a peace lily flower to eventually turn green. A seed pod forms during this process. It has nothing to do with too much light or too little light. Hydrangea flowers can do the same thing.

When the flowers turn green on a peace lily, they should be cut off to promote new flower bud growth.
Reply:What is happening with the Peace Lily is it is getting too much light. All parts of plants will produce chlorophyll for photosynthesis if the light hits it. This is what happens to potatoes if they grow too close to the surface and the light hits them. They start turning green. If cauliflower wasn't blanched the head would be green instead of white. Keep it out of the sun when it flowers and you should be all set

What are some good websites for silk floral supplies?

I want to make my own silk (artificial) flowers for hair clips. What are some good websites? Pre-made flowers are ok, but I'm looking for petals, leaves and other flower parts too. I am especially looking for black flower parts. I have tried search engines already, but have not found what I am looking for yet, I was hoping someone might know of some great obscure craft/floral websites.

What are some good websites for silk floral supplies?
You are probably ready to make your own parts. Scroll down on this page to see how it's done

and a video

Reply:thomson %26amp; morgan .sell plants seeds and lovely silk arrangements,

I recieved their catalogue today the xmas arrangements ,are delivered with a free bouquet when you order and gifts for others are wrapped for you and delivered to them direct...

p.s I liked the silk orchids!

What plants have dioecious flowers located on different parts of the plant?

corn plants, pine trees, ferns, peas, or sea weeds

What plants have dioecious flowers located on different parts of the plant?
pine trees

Can grey water be used from (a) a dishwasher (b) a washing machine- on to veggie/flower garden.Is it safe?

I have 2 seperate pipes so I can re direct to diff parts of the garden-

Can grey water be used from (a) a dishwasher (b) a washing machine- on to veggie/flower garden.Is it safe?
Sheeze. I'm hesitating to answer this because you've already got answers all over the board. I spent 20 years in innovative on-site wastewater management design. Attended the American Society of Agricultural Engineers On-Site Wastewater Management Annual Conferences five of those years, and so on and so on and so on.

I'll waste the time typing this and tell you the water coming off the kitchen sink and dishwasher are nearer blackwater in their biological loading, than grey water. Put that into the sewer line or septic system.

The tub/shower and bathroom sink are legitimate grey water and worth using, though it's helpful to float off the soap in a grease trap before allowing it to run out wherever you plan to use it.
Reply:it is perfectly safe - I've done it before - the neat thing is any soap you use (which should be biodegradable) wards off pests...and the proteins from disjes and laundry help feed the soil. I would be careful to not launder any clothling soiled with oils or paints.
Reply:The detergents in the water will harm your plants. Set up a rain barrel for extra water for your gardens.
Reply:It is not recommended. Here's why; soap can raise the pH of the soil and increase salts, regardless of the type of soap. Vegetables to not do well in high salt soils or high pH soils, if at all, same with some flowers and trees.

In some states and or counties it is illegal to use your grey water. Do check with your city/county health department to find out if you can even use grey water first.
Reply:It seems safe enough, have a read through this though:
Reply:For the most part, yes, provided you are not using chlorine bleach or a non-environmentally friendly soap. I use my gray washer water, and I use Oxy instead of bleach (much better for whitening, removing stains, and the environment) and enzyme cleaning tablets (no soap whatsoever). And, of course, assuming you are not washing clothes that have toxins on them (like work clothes might). A little soap isn't going to hurt, but too much can add toxins, hurt natural bacteria action in the soil, deposit nasty stuff in the soil, or damage the roots' ability to absorb water and nutrients. I have yet to find an EF soap for the dishwasher that actually does a good job, but if you want to set up a filtering system of a few layers of fiberfill and charcoal fiber or charcoal granules (similar to what's in a fish tank filter) this will do wonders for "cleaning" your cleaning water.

One thing to bear in mind, for optimum health, growth, and nutrint absorption, your plant should be watered in the morning before 10 AM (plants absorb water and nutrients during the day, grow at night), so you might want to think about a filtered holding tank.

Check first with your local Dept. of Environmental Protection, or Town Hall...some places do not allow you to drain gray water above ground (I know a couple of folks in Australia who were fined for doing it), and folks in the watershed areas around here aren't allowed to do it.
Reply:It doesn't seem logical that the harsh chemicals used in detergents combined with food residue and bacteria are healthful to plants.

Maybe you could try it on one specific plant for a period of time and observe the long-term effects...

Perfect semi formal makeup

I need a tall flower to plant outside in part and full sun. Something that blooms for a while. Red or orange.?

The ones I have looked at are about 6' tall and that is good. However, I keep finding Hybiscus and they will not survive the winter. Can anyone tell me a type, or even a website that I can check out to find out anything that I can use?

I need a tall flower to plant outside in part and full sun. Something that blooms for a while. Red or orange.?
both the canna and gladiola that was mentioned are very nice, but they have to be dug up in the fall
Reply:You can plant cannas. They are a bulb. So they will die back when it gets cold, but they will return.
Reply:Try foxglove, they grow 3 to 6 ft. tall or Hollyhock.

Is it safe to say that this flower is part of the genus Linaria?



Is it safe to say that this flower is part of the genus Linaria?
It should be a Linaria, might be Linaria vulgaris, what is my favorite, or, if the darker part of Your flower is more pale ,L. simplex.

But it`s hard to identify without a pic of the whole plant and a description, where it grows, how large it is and the measure of the flower, the leafs and so on.

Look here to compare with Your plant; You can see several species on this site.
Reply:it is Linaria .vulgaris has all yellow it a uk or usa species?sorry best i can do without country of origin.

Describe the pollen producing part of a flower.?

Just another poll Well I am signing off now byebye!!

Describe the pollen producing part of a flower.?
The anther is the male organ of a flower which has little anther sacs. Pollen is made in the anther sacs.

Here is what Wikipedia says about stamens and anthers:

The stamen (plural stamina or stamens, from Latin stamen meaning "thread of the warp") is the male organ of a flower. Each stamen generally has a stalk called the filament (from Latin filum, meaning "thread"), and, on top of the filament, an anther (from Ancient Greek anthera, feminine of antheros "flowery," from anthos "flower"), and pollen sacs, called microsporangia. The development of the microsporangia and the contained haploid gametophytes, (called pollen-grains) is closely comparable with that of the microsporangia in gymnosperms or heterosporous ferns. The pollen is set free by the opening (dehiscence) of the anther, generally by means of longitudinal slits, but sometimes by pores, as in the heath family (Ericaceae), or by valves, as in the barberry family (Berberidaceae). It is then dropped, or carried by some external agent — wind, water or some member of the animal kingdom — onto the receptive surface of the carpel of the same or another flower, which is thus pollinated.

Typical flowers have six stamens inside a perianth (the petals and sepals together), arranged in a whorl around the carpel (pistil). But in some species there are many more than six present in a flower (see, for example, the spider tree flower, below). Collectively, the stamens are called an androecium (from Greek andros oikia: man's house). They are positioned just below the gynoecium. The anthers are bilocular, i.e. they have two locules. Each locule contains a microsporangium. The tissue between the locules and the cells is called the connective.

In an immature, unopened flower bud, the filaments are still short. Their function is then to transport nutrients to the developing pollen. They start to lengthen once the bud opens. The anther can be attached to the filament in two ways:

basifixed : attached at its base to the filament; this gives rise to a longitudinal dehiscence (opening along its length to release pollen)

versatile : attached at its center to the filament; pollen is then released through pores (poricidal dehiscence).

How can I get parts of my photos to be sharp, and others to be blurry?

I think it has something to do with aperture, but I'm not sure. I currently have an HP photosmart R927. It has a "MF"/"Manual Focus" option, but I'm not really sure what it means. What tool am I supposed to use to do this to my pictures? How am I supposed to choose my focus points? Is there a way to have several points of focus?

I'll try to make this simple. Say I had a picture of a flower and I wanted the flower to be sharp, and the background blurry. Or, a field of flowers, and out of the field, I only wanted two flowers to be in focus. In both, well, what do I do?

And I side question; What exactly is aperture?

How can I get parts of my photos to be sharp, and others to be blurry?
It's going to be darn hard to "de-focus" too much using your R927 digital camera while keeping the main subject in sharp focus. The smaller the sensor, the greater depth of field you will have. Generally speaking, the smaller the camera, the smaller the sensor. Most of the pictures you take with a digital camera are quite sharp from near to far distances and there is a reason for that which I will explain.

While we speak in terms of the 35 mm equivalency of digital lenses, don't forget that the digital sensors are usually smaller than a full-format 35 mm frame. Most of the more popular point and shoot cameras have the smaller sensors. It's only about 5 mm wide and 4 mm high. Yours has a bigger sensor (which is an advantage for this topic) and it is 7.2 mm x 5.3 mm in size. The lens on required to cover that angle of view is an ACTUAL 7-22 mm zoom lens. At these focal lengths, the background is going to almost always be in pretty sharp focus. In other words, if you WANT to defocus the background, you are going to have to work pretty hard at it. You would have to zoom to the longer end of the lens and set the aperture open as wide as it will go, if your camera even allows you to control the aperture, and get pretty close to your main subject while having the background a fair distance away.

Go here and see the effect that you are looking for.

You will notice that the ones that show this the best are taken with a digital SLR, which has a huge sensor compared to your camera.

There are two, though, and that have a fuzzy background. In the pink rose, it's not all that fuzzy, but this was achieved by using the macro setting. In the yellow rose, it's pretty fuzzy. This is because the rose is in focus and the background is actually about 10 feet behind the flower. Try those strategies and see how it goes.

[Note - oddly, these are both taken with the widest wide angle on my camera, but we still get some fuzziness. It would have been much greater if I used a longer focal length. I just don't have any samples on-line right now.]

I am trying to include a link to Wikipedia for an article on Depth of Field, but Yahoo! keeps rejecting my posting. They do a good job explaining this, so go there yourself and look up the article. I'm sorry that I can't post it...
Reply:Thanks. I'll try again: Wikipedia does pretty well on the subject of depth of field. See: Report Abuse

Reply:You must be very close to the subject (as close as your camera will allow ...usually 3 feet)and have the background items at least 5 feet behind...that's it.And no you cant blur certain objects with your camera and then not blur others unless you have a photo editing program such as any version of adobe photoshop.
Reply:dont do whats above photoshop has nothing to do with it!

Read Mr Aces answer!

all i will add is use manual focus and you are on to it its all in the camera! use the appeture, try F2.8 to F4, a tripod will help alot

Reply:Aperture is the ratio of the length of the lens to the opening in which the light enters the lens.

The aperture effects the apparent sharpness of the image.

When you are focused at ten feet at the most open aperture everything ten feet from the camera will be in focus

As you reduce the aperture size (stop down) to a smaller size, the apparent sharpness begins to grow. Two thirds behind the focus point and on third in front of the focus point.

Eventually when you get to the smallest aperture, the whole scene will appear to be in focus.

Many times pro and art photographers adjust the aperture to control the apparent focus range (depth of field) and shoot at what ever shutter speed is necessary to get a good exposure at the preferred aperture. Many times this will mean using a tripod and even exposures as long as 30 seconds.

inline skates

Which types of jasmine are toxic to dogs? And which parts of the plant are toxic?

This website lists some types of jasmine as non-toxic to dogs, while this website lists all jasmine as potentially toxic (and fatal, as I understand it). Does anyone know which jasmine plants are actually toxic and which are non-toxic? And which parts the toxic varieties are poisonous? (Leaves? Stems? Flowers? Seeds or berries? All parts?) My neighbors have a large jasmine vine on their fence, and I want to know how worried I should be for the safety of my dog. I live in Houston, and this is a picture or the plant: . Any chance anyone knows what type of jasmine it is?

Which types of jasmine are toxic to dogs? And which parts of the plant are toxic?
It's true that some types are dangerous and others aren't. Unfortunately I can't tell from the picture.

You should repost this question in the plants section instead of the dog section so someone who knows more about Jasmine can help you out.

To be safe, I'd keep my dog away from my neighbor's Jasmine if I were you.

I need sertin flower part (diagram)?

i need daisy flower part but i can't find it can u help me\

I need sertin flower part (diagram)?
click on the link and scroll down =

some more =

From = A Botanist
Reply:Thanks for the honor . I gave what was available . Report Abuse

Reply:search google and wikipedia

Looking for asian food... yellow dried flower (?) chips?

I don't even know how to ask this.

While living in California, this co-worker brought in a bag of asian chips. They were yellow and sweet and made out of some sort of plant or flower. I could be wrong on the flower part.

They were absolutely heavenly.

Anyone know what the heck I'm talking about? If you can tell me what they're called... you can only find them in Asian stores.


Looking for asian food... yellow dried flower (?) chips?
Jack fruit chips
Reply:I an not sure we are talking about the same thing,there is one kind of flower we eat in China, we call it Huanghua Cai in Chinese,i think it must be called yellow flower vegetable.We always use it to cook a kind of paste and eat it with noodle ,of course there are some other things you need to cook with ,including eggs,tomatoes,meat ,etc.
Reply:You could talking about banana chips. It's yellow and looks like a flower. I am sure that it is banana chips.
Reply:sweet n sour pork

What is this weird red flower that many people wear on their clothes?

I don't know what it is. I thought it was related to a political party but I noticed some TV hosts wear it too ( like on SKY News) hence I am posting it in the TV part.So what is this flower supposed to mean?

What is this weird red flower that many people wear on their clothes?
Are you thinking of poppies?

The second Sunday of November is Remembrance Sunday, also known as Remembrance Day.

At 11am men, women and children all across Britain hold a two minute silence to remember the millions who have died in war.

The silence is usually observed at war memorials, cenotaphs and religious services and shopping centres throughout the country.

The Royal Family, along with top politicians and religious leaders, gather at The Cenotaph in Whitehall, London for a service.

Hope that helps, sorry if it wasnt that you were thinking of though

Reply:You probably mean a poppy, as other people have said.

However if it's very small you might also be confusing it with a ribbon? There are lots of different coloured ribbons which are worn to indicate the wearer's awareness of a particular subject.

For example here's some of the coloured ribbons that relate to cancer awareness:
Reply:...a poppy?

It is a "weed" found in, amongst other places, Flanders Fields and was one of the only plants that grew on the battlefield. Thus the plant became a commemorative symbol for the dead World War I soldiers and other soldiers who gave their lives through war. It has been adopted as a symbol by The Royal British Legion in their Poppy Appeal.
Reply:I think what you are referring to is the Poppy.

People wear this to remember all those who fought and died in previous wars. Its a symbol of remembrance.
Reply:its a poppy flower and it represents the remembrance of the lives lost during the first and seconed world war that we have not forgoten those who gave their lifes
Reply:do u mean the Poppy its red with a black circle in the middle and green stalk. Its the remembrance day poppy its to remember all of those who have died at war
Reply:Probably a poppy. They are in remembrance of those who died in a war.
Reply:I think you mean a poppy
Reply:I think it is a poppy

Curves VC workout

Fruits develop from what part of the flower?

Carpels ( ovarium and periferic tissue).

Fruits develop from what part of the flower?
Fruit develops out of the blossom on a plant. After a plant flowers, the petals fall off and out of the blossom will form the fruit.
Reply:A fruit is just another name for a plants ovary. The ovary is the female reproductive unit. We call an apple a "fruit", so when we think fruit we think of the whole apple. This is incorrect. You see, a fruit, or an ovary, contains seeds. The core of the apple is the ONLY place that contains seeds. So, technically, the CORE is the fruit. The part we eat is actually the STEM that grew around the ovary to protect it. Apples are considered "accessory fruits".

A banana, however, is all a fruit. We eat the seeds when we eat a banana. Same goes for a kiwi. The whole thing is the ovary.

A peanut is a fruit too. The nut is actually the seed. The outtershell protects the the whole thing is a fruit, or an ovary.
Reply:from the stigma down to the ovary enclosed with the receptacle.
Reply:fruits develop from the ovary (i.e fruit is the ripened ovary) %26amp; the seeds develop from the ovules.

The part of the flower that produces the seed?

the ovule inside the ovary inside the pistil

The part of the flower that produces the seed?
The central area of the flower is usually where pollen needs to be placed in order for pollenation. This structure is called the pistil and is sticky on its surface to allow pollen to stick and begin working its way to ovules which will become the seeds.

In what part of the flower do seeds form?

The seed comes from inside of the pistal in the ovary once the egg has been fertilized by a pollen grain. The seed is essentially the forming embryo. A piece of fruit with seed inside would basically be like eating a womb and fetus.

In what part of the flower do seeds form?
By the bunch of questions you have written, must be a test tomorrow, huhj???? All of these answers are in your text, hon. Get off the computer, and start studying....

I have a rhubarb plant that flowers but doesn't produce much Rhubarb. How can I fix this problem?

I got this plant at a Home depot 6 years ago and thought it was supposed to be Ruby Red rhubarb but all it does is go to flower and I get no rhubarb. I've tried removing the flowering parts but it still goes to flower every year over and over.

I have a rhubarb plant that flowers but doesn't produce much Rhubarb. How can I fix this problem?
The problem is that you're allowing it to flower. Break off the flower stem every time you see one..
Reply:I will assume you are living in an area Rhubarb grows well in. Sometimes when plants are too crowded they do not produce well. Do your plants needed separated?

Add organic compost twice a year. Spring and Fall.
Reply:Are you providing enough water? Sometimes plants will flower rather than fruit when they are starving.
Reply:Type rub red rhubarb in your seach engine and read about this plant. I am sure you will find what you are looking for.

roller blades

Do you know about EUPHORBIA PULCHERRIMA RED flower?

It is a plant whith red leafes (the up part),very beautiful but the leafes are falling down(2-4 in a day).After a week it will have no leafes if you will not help me!

If you know this flower and how to take kare of it just say it to me.

Do you know about EUPHORBIA PULCHERRIMA RED flower?
Euphorbia pulcherrima is Pointsettia. Pointsettias like to be moist but not soggy. If yours has lost all it's leaves, it is either too warm in your house or the plant is too wet or too dry. It will not grow new leaves until next year(if it lives). If it doesn't look too terrible, keep it unitil the holidays are over. If it looks bad I would chuck it.
Reply:Loss of leaves following wilting cause: Overwatering is the likely culprit; the surface of the soil must be dry before water is applied. When the soil around the roots is dry the leaves will wilt and fall.

Loss of leaves without wilting cause: If the temperature is too low or if the plant has been subjected to hot or freezing draughts then the leaves will suddenly fall. Another cause of leaf fall is poor light. Poinsettias need maximum light in winter. The plant needs not less than 55-60 deg. F during the flowering season.After flowering the plant is usually discarded.
Reply:This Euphoria flower in the colder months so it is partly deciduous.

One thing,they do not have red flowers.The flowers are actually white/cream.They are just leaves,called bracts,Whig attract pollinates to the plant.It is the same oft the bougainvillea vine
Reply:i don't about the red flowering euphorbia but i can tell u that it is in the spurge family they are succulent plants often cactus like the sap in many of these plants can be poisonous %26amp; cause skin irritation.i hope this helps u .i would need more info. [soil.age.light ]

Which part of the flower produces the most aroma? Why does the flower produce an aroma?

the petals, to attract the pollination agents so as they can perpetuate their species

Which part of the flower produces the most aroma? Why does the flower produce an aroma?
For the bees but hey they have gone
Reply:Yeah Vishnu!!! Thanks to you I have an answer for this question now!

What kind of flower is this (part 2)?

Can anyone identify this? It was found in the Dominican Republic. I'm not sure if it's native to there or not.


What kind of flower is this (part 2)?
I'm pretty sure it is Dietes (fortnight lily).

I would venture to say it is Dietes grandiflora.

Do you think this is a match?

How many pistils does a vanda flower have?

parts of a vanda flower

How many pistils does a vanda flower have?
One per flower.Orchids accomplish their reproductive feats with variations of a basic theme of three petals and three sepals.The two uppermost petals are brightly coloured,The lower petal is a large labellum. the sepals stick out between and behind the petals.Orchids are distinguished from other flowers,by their column,an intricate struture formed by the fused male and female reprodutive parts-the stamin and pistil. s


In which part of the flower are seeds formed?

The flower is the sexual reproductive part of an angiosperm. It consists of four whorls of modified leaves : sepals, petals, stamens and carpals. The stamens are the male reproductive parts which includes the sporangia that produces pollen. The carpals are the female reproductive parts and includes the sporangia that produces the egg.

Pollen Development:

A pollen grain is an immature male gametophyte.

It is produced within the sporangium of the anthers.

The diploid microspore mother cell will undergo meiosis and form 4 haploid microspores.

The microspores nuclei will undergo mitosis and produce a tube nucleus and a generative nucleus.

A thick wall forms around the spore in a specific pattern, producing the pollen grain or immature male gametophyte.

Ovule Development:

The ovule is an immature seed. It is formed within the ovary and contains the female gametophyte.

The female gametophyte is the embryo sac and forms in the following way.

The megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to form 4 haploid (N) megaspores.

One of the 4 will continue to develop, while the other 3 dissolve.

The remaining megaspore grows and its nucleus will undergo 3 mitotic divisions, forming 1 large cell with 8 haploid nuclei.

This will develop into the embryo sac. This sac contains a specific arrangement of these nuclei in the following order: The egg cell is located near the micropyle surrounded by 2 other cells called synergids. At the opposite end 3 antipodal cells are found. In the center of the sac will be found 2 polar nuclei.


Pollination is the placement of the pollen on the stigma of the carpal. This pollen transfer can be accomplished by wind, insects, built in mechanical discharge, and man. Once the pollen lands on the stigma, a series of chemical reactions takes place allowing the pollen grain to begin producing a structure called the pollen tube. As this is happening, the generative nucleus will divide and produce 2 sperm nuclei. This pollen grain with the pollen tube and 3 nuclei is considered the mature gametophyte. The pollen tube will work its way through the style of the carpal and touch the micropyle of the ovule. Here the sperm nuclei will enter the embryo sac and fertilize the egg and the two polar nuclei; hence the term double fertilization. The fertilized egg (2N) will develop into the immature seed plant, while the (3N) central cell will develop into the endosperm or food storage area of the seed.

In which part of the flower are seeds formed?
Reply:In the gynaeceum, the bottle shaped structure in the inner base of flowers, it contains the ovules and it has a stigma, tube like structure where polen grains land and develop the male nucleus that disolve stigma structure in a rece to reach ovules, just like in mammals sperm seeks ovules. First to reach an ovule, gets to form a new seed.
Reply:i don't think flowers have seeds...
Reply:Seeds are formed from the fertilized ovules in the ovary of the flower. But note that in a very small number of species seeds can form apomictically without fertilization ... Taraxacum is a well-known example.
Reply:In the ovaries,
Reply:does hipshod420 think flowers are born live? Has this person never planted a garden? Get out of your concrete jungle and see nature. I am more disgusted by todays education system every day on Yahoo Answers

Which of the following plant parts is the offspring from this cross and contains the genes from the two parent

In Mendle's research, he examined flower color in pea plants. In an experiment, he crossed a purple flower with a whit flower. Which of the following plant parts is the offspring from this cross and contains the genes from the two parents?

flower petals


pea pods

pea vines

Which of the following plant parts is the offspring from this cross and contains the genes from the two parent
The seeds bear the the plant's genes.

Seeds are found together in the pea pod. The seeds and pod form from the fertilized ovary at the base of the flower. The petals are the advertising done by the plant to attract the pollinator and they are the protective shield housing the pistil and stamens.

Looking for the name of a flower...?

When I was little, we used to pick these flowers, that were kind of funnel shaped, just the flower part, no stem. Then we would suck on the end and a little bit of sweet nectar would come out. Has anybody here done this? Do you know what the flower is?

Looking for the name of a flower...?
It sounds like honeysuckle. We used to do that when i was a kid, too.
Reply:I remember doing that. It seems like it was a columbine.
Reply:yeah. sounds like honeysuckle. what color is this flower you're referring to?
Reply:Yes, I remember doing this as a kid my parents had a busch in their yard and my sister and I would always suck the nectar out of them. I can't remember what it was called though.
Reply:Honeysuckle in both white and yellow. The vines are a bear to get rid of when it is time to clean the fence though.
Reply:definatly huney suckle because thats really the only flower i know of that is a bit funnel shaped. you could try typing it in on google and see what comes up...if not try typing honeysuckle and click on images and see if it is that flower your are looking for.

hope this helps

becca xx

What part of the salvia plant is so special? Is it the leaves or the roots or maybe it's flower?

Salvia, the ornamental, is nice because of its flowers.

Salvia, the herb (aka sage) is great because of its leaves, which are used in many different dishes -- my favorite is sausage. The flowers are also sweet-tasting, and look very nice.

But don't get the two confused! The ornamental is not edible TTBOMK, and the herb is only decorative for a couple of weeks out of the year (unless you like dusty green, low hedges).

What part of the salvia plant is so special? Is it the leaves or the roots or maybe it's flower?
All parts of the salvia are lovely, the leaves are aromatic and the flowers beautiful.

Culinary salvia is available in plain green, purple and a tricolour variegated form so can look good as well as tasting great, the more you cut them the better they look as it is the new foliage that has the best colour.

roller blades

In which part of the flower does meiosis occur?

In any flower the process of meiosis occurs only in the reproductive parts as explained below.

1) Meiosis that occurs in ANTHERS-

Each anther has two anther lobes .Each one of them contains DIPLOID pollen mother cells. They undergo MEIOSIS to form HAPLOID pollen grains ( also called microspores.)

These pollen grains are then carried away during pollination and germinate on the stigma of a carpel to form a pollen tube and male gametes.

Click the links to see pictures-

2) Meiosis that occurs in the OVULE- it contains a tissue called Nucellus ( no spelling mistake here.) protected by integument/s.

Only one cell of the multicellular and DIPLOID nucellus undergoes MEIOSIS to form 4 HAPLOID megaspores.

Out of these 4 only one survives and forms ' Embryo Sac' in which fertilization occurs.

see the links for pictures-

I hope you have basic information about a flower .

In which part of the flower does meiosis occur?
in reproductive cells
Reply:In two places: in the megasporangia (the cells that will become the egg cells in the ovules of the ovary) and in the microsporangia (the cells that will give rise to pollen).
Reply:I think as it's blooming.
Reply:In the reproductive cells and parts

What is a red and yellow flower that grows in Arizona?

I was in Phoenix a month or so ago and noticed these great bushes near my hotel and on the sides of the road. They had these crazy yellow and red blossoms. The yellow part was more flowery, and inside was a bunch of red...another set of petal-type leaves and some other stuff. They were medium sized bushes, and the green foliage on the bushes had little elongated teardrop-shaped leaves. There were also some little round balls on the end of some stems, but I don't know if those were the precursor to the flowers. I have pictures of them and would love to know what they are. Anyone know?

What is a red and yellow flower that grows in Arizona?
Like this?

These are Caesalpinia pulcherrima.

Broken Teeth

What is a good flower to plant in the fall?

We are renovating our yard %26amp; I want some color! I live in North Texas %26amp; plan on planting something this weekend. We have sun %26amp; shade. We have a big tree in our yard so every part of the yard gets full sun %26amp; full shade at different times of the day. Also should I plant some seeds for spring flowers now or wait until March? Thanks :)

What is a good flower to plant in the fall?
most bulbs you plant in the fall. If you want flowers and color right away, then I suggest mum. They come in so many styles and color and color combination. They are perfect for fall. Also Kale, very pretty, mums will come back every year. As they start to grow keep pinching the tops till about July 18, then stop. You will end up with busy mums instead of tall lanky ones. Kale will not come back. Pansy. Now that a beautiful flower too. And most cases, will also come back. HAVE FUN!
Reply:Amaryllis is an exellent flower to plant in fall bacause you can have it for years, it is so gorgeous, the colors are vivid and exotic.
Reply:No seeds. You can plant bulbs now for spring. Fall flowers include Mums, Dalia's, and Pansies. They come in an outrageous variety of shapes and colors. Check your local nursery they usually only put out for sale what is appropriate to plant at the time.
Reply:tulips colorful beautiful flowers. They come back every year.They like sun or sun with a little shade. good luck. i hope it is beautiful.

Perennial flower suggestions?

I am putting a new flower bed in my backyard -- it will be around 60 feet long and only about 2 wide -- I will be using gravel instead of mulch -- it will be full sun to part shade running along a privacy fence. I am looking for ideas of perennials that are tall and not terrible bushy (I'd like to keep them confined in the 2 foot space). I like tall flowers as well as decorative grass. I live in Northern Kentcky, zone 6.

Any suggestions will be much appreciated thanks!

Perennial flower suggestions?
Go to this site linked below, even if you dont buy there, you can see what the plants will look like.

Daffodils, Iris, hollyhock, foxglove, Grass- Pampas, just to name a few, check out the bulbs section and the perrenials section.
Reply:You really better rethink using gravel instead of mulch. Weeds grow up through the gravel. Its much much harder to weed gravel instead of mulch. Been there and done it i'm a landscaper.

All new gardens need to be tinkered with some plants won't survive or you won't like them or they will need to be moved due to height or just not quite looking right in the location.Trying to replant or move plants to different locations with gravel down is hard the gravel will fall into your new and old planting holes..

Mulch has many ,many benefits it supresses weeds, helps retain moisture and kentucky is hot i'm sure so less watering and plants won't wilt in the heat.Gravel traps heat in... Mulch breaks down and feeds the soil each year so makes healthier soil=healthier plants. Us mulch you'll be glad you did..

Tall Phlox:




Perennial Sunflower:

Pink Tiger lily:

These are only a very few suggestions. See here for more flowers, many native to Kentucky:
Reply:I love Russian Sage and Black eyed Susan. Both colorful and they do not get real bushy or big. Good Luck!
Reply:cannas are wonderful!they come in a variety of colrs as well as leaf colors!they can get up to 5ft. tall!they are so easily taken care of that they are fool proof!and they come back each year even more vibrant and beautiful!
Reply:coneflowers, bells of ireland, liatris, dahlias, black magic elephant ears, lilies,

Good Luck
Reply:I love calladiums. They aren't flowers, but they have beautiful color throughout their wide leaves (light pink, dark pink, silvery green, dark green and light green). They grow out of bulbs and will come back year to year.

Part of flower and their function?

the parts of flower and their function

Part of flower and their function?
The sole function of the flower, which is generally the showiest part of the plant, is sexual reproduction. Its attractiveness and fragrance are to ensure the continuance of the plant species. Fragrance and color are devices to attract pollinators that play an important role in the reproductive process.

As the reproductive part of the plant, the flower contains the male pollen and/or the female ovule plus accessory parts such as petals, sepals, and nectar glands.

The Parts of the Flower are as follows:

- The pistil is the female part of the plant. It is generally shaped like a bowling pin and located in the center of the flower. It consists of the stigma, style, and ovary. The stigma is located at the top, and is connected to the ovary by the style. The ovary contains the eggs which reside in the ovules. After the egg is fertilized the ovule develops into a seed.

- The stamen is the male reproductive organ. It consists of a pollen sac (anther) and a long supporting filament. This filament holds the anther in position so the pollen it contains may be disbursed by wind or carried to the stigma by insects, birds or bats.

- Sepals are small green, leaflike structures on the base of the flower which protect the flower bud. The sepals collectively are called the calyx.

- Petals are highly colored portions of the flower. They may contain perfume as well as nectar glands. The petals collectively are called the corolla. The number of petals on a flower is often used in the identification of plant families and genera. Flowers of dicots typically have sepals and/or petals in multiples of four or five. Monocots typically have these floral parts in multiples of three.

What is the best flowers for a small flower bed that require little maintenance?

i want to plant some flowers in a small flowerbed on my patio that requires little maintenance, maybe some type of vine that grows fast and have pretty blooms, also part of the bed is in the shade and the other half gets sunshine, so maybe a plant that can grow anywhere.i would like something that do not grow tall someone suggested a ice plant, but i have not heard of that.

What is the best flowers for a small flower bed that require little maintenance?
what about peautinas
Reply:Clematis is a beautiful vine that likes to have its feet in the shade and its face in the sun. Sounds perfect for your patio. Try to buy a two year old specimen, for blooms the first year and good cover. Jackmanii is a very reliable type of clematis that does well in most of the U.S. I am not sure where you are located.

If your bed is really small, think of it as a big window box, and dress it with plenty of thrillers (tall accents), fillers (light and airy plants in between your more architectural plants) and spillers (things that tumble over the sides, such as ivy, rock cress, sedum groundovers, etc. Put a trellis at the back so your clematis will have something to climb on, creating a nice backdrop for it all. Have fun and enjoy your garden.
Reply:I love can get them at any home depot/lowes...they are more decorative plants (diff. gorgeous, colorful leaves) but they are very low maintenance and I just love the way they look...

Good luck!
Reply:Marigolds and petunias and impatients.
Reply:!!!!!!!crotons...u need no maintanence to grow crotons in tha garden

safety shoes

PLEASE HELP!! I am looking for a plant that has a flower like Dutchman's Breeches?

I am looking for a plant that has a flower like Dutchman's Breeches does not have the compound or fern leaf.

Looking for a plant that has a flower like Dutchman's or Dutchmen's Breeches but this one has white breeches and a bit of a red flower part coming out from the breeches part. The leave are not fern-like or compound. They are simple oval shaped leaves, thick and the plant is a very strong vine. I lost mine due to the deep freeze we had in California and want to buy some. Does anyone know what these are called and where I can buy them?

PLEASE HELP!! I am looking for a plant that has a flower like Dutchman's Breeches?
Obviously it is a form of Dicentra and you should look it up on the web.
Reply:My dicentra (bleeding heart) has compound leaves. And it's not a vine. So I don't know if there are simple-leaf vine dicentras.

I think Dutchman's Breeches are also called False Valerian. That could be wrong.

Anyway, if you have access to a key (check a big library or a science library at a college), then you can figure out a species based on its characteristics. It's a book (or set of books) that leads you from characteristic to characteristic like a Choose Your Own Adventure book for plants (and it's not as interesting, I'll warn you.) There might be an online key somewhere...check botany sites in your area for tropical plants. But you'll probably have to go to a library.

Is Flower Market considered to be the part of The Old Town in Nice, France?

Or is it just near by?

Is Flower Market considered to be the part of The Old Town in Nice, France?
Yes and No

The flower market is on the Cours Saleya between the Ponchettes and the Vieux-Nice (Old Town).

I'd say it's nearby.

It takes place on the western side of the market.
Reply:There is a market area in the Old Town, but to be honest I didn't see a flower market there. We may just have missed the day that it was on, we saw the antique/flea market one and the vegetable and fish one, so there is a good chance that it's in the same area. The Old Town isn't massive so should be fairly easy to find.
Reply:Yes, the flower market is a the heart of the Old Nice, on the "Cours Salea" (not sure of the orthograph)

I don't remenber what day of the week it is but sure it's on the morning only.

Nice place to hang out, enjoy the sunshine on the terrasse of a cafe with a Pastis in the glass.

Wish I could be there...

What part of the flower produces the sunflower seed?

The big brown part in the middle. If you look at a large sunflower closely you can see them.

What part of the flower produces the sunflower seed?
They are produced in the center of the sunflower head.
Reply:The inner part of the blossom.
Reply:The Ovaries! The ovaries will only produce the fruit, in this case the sunflower seeds, if they are fertilized.
Reply:The center part of the sunflower. During the growing season, it's usually green, and the ring of yellow petals surrounds it. Then as the sunflower ripens, the seeds turn brown and the head of the sunflower gets heavier and heavier and droops down toward the ground instead of facing the sun.

That's when you can pick the flower and remove the seeds, roast them lightly or eat them raw.
Reply:the middle part. inside the flower.

What kind of flower is this?

I am looking for the name of the flower that is orange and grows on a stick kind of stem, you see them every where from peoples yards to the side of the road. They have a grass like part at the bottom and they also come in yellow and red, but orange is my favorite.

What kind of flower is this?
Tiger Lily
Reply:You most likely are referring to lilies or canna.

But is is more common to see the Lillie's growing along the road.

Check here for some photo's.

Here is the orange canna

I hope this helps.

I have learned many plant names,

but there are thousands. So I have a long way to go.
Reply:They are most likely Day Lilies. They come in yellow, orange, red, white, and a variation of those colors.
Reply:is it a canna?

internet explorer

Phalaenopsis flower stalk nibbled by cat?

I have a phalaenopsis, with a flower stalk which was just starting to form buds, that our cat seems to have chewed on. At this point the stalk looks very iffy. Should I just cut back the stalk at the chewed part or cut it all the way down and give up on this particular stalk?

Phalaenopsis flower stalk nibbled by cat?
i would simply cut back. it should put out new growth.

congratulations. most ppl are reluctant to grow orchids in their homes.

I made homemade noodles the other night and all i could taste was flower...what did i do wrong?

They looked the way they should and felt fine, but being a first time noodle maker they ended up smelling and taseting like flower more than anything.....can anyone help. My Mother in Law makes the best chicken noodle soup and i want to make just the soup do i do this?

I made homemade noodles the other night and all i could taste was flower...what did i do wrong?
Maybe too much flour if this has happened to you---

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking (Canada, UK), Marcella Hazan recommends 1 cup of unbleached all-purpose flour for every 2 large eggs. You may need to vary that up or down, depending on the eggs’ ability to absorb the flour. But try to be conservative. It is possible that the increased humidity in your kitchen that comes with warmer weather is coaxing you to add more flour to compensate for extra moisture in the dough. Fight the urge to add flour, and try to keep your dough a little bit on the sticky side rather than dry.
Reply:Did you cook them at least 20 min.? Homemade noodles seem done sooner than dried ones, but if you don't cook them long enough they will taste starchy.

Could someone send a complete diagram of the different part of the flower i cant find any?

Hope that helps =)

Could someone send a complete diagram of the different part of the flower i cant find any?
Reply:This is more informative-