Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does anyone know how to care for a Peace Lilly?

Mine is browning and dying. All the "flower" parts have wilted and died.

Does anyone know how to care for a Peace Lilly?
just pray for it.
Reply:Peace lilies don't flower continually. They will develop flowers which last for a couple of months, then go for many months before they develop more flowers.

I suggest that you remove the dead flowers, cut out the dead leaves, re-pot in a larger pot with some fresh potting soil, keep it watered but not soaked, keep it on a light but not brightly sunny window sill, and be patient while you wait for new flowers.
Reply:I have one that was given to me nearly three years ago. I've kept it in my bathroom, which has one small window, the entire time. I give the plant a shower once or twice a week, when the soil is dry. Mine isn't even under the window. It's in the opposite corner of the bathroom. I repot it annually in a slightly larger pot with fresh soil. These plants do not flower continuously, as stated above. The plant should never be put in direct sunlight. That's why you see lots of these in interior landscaping, such as shopping malls with skylighting, etc. They don't like or need much light. Cut off all the dead stuff, put it in a new pot, with new soil and keep it indoors.

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