Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do you think about a flower or starish design on the top of my foot on the low part?

If that is what you want on your foot, then get it. Now remember that you will need to not wear a shoe for a few days after. Sandals only.

Why do you need our opinon anyway. Tattoos are a personal thing and should be done because you want them. Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one.

Enjoy your new tattoo.

What do you think about a flower or starish design on the top of my foot on the low part?
That sounds real cute! Let me just warn you, foot tattoos hurt a lot, I have one on each foot, and they were really painful!
Reply:that'd be cute maybe cherry blossoms with whatever color flower.
Reply:cut if thats what ur in to. and simple. its a nice chose for some people. but its ur body do what u want to with it if thats what u want ans thats what u like tell the world to kiss urs. and do what makes u happy jsut not something wrong like kill or steel
Reply:foot tattoos are great! i have one foot completely tattooed (not my toes or the bottom of the foot though).... make sure you take REALLY good care of it in healing-- because they get a lot of friction from socks and shoes, and the kind of skin on your feet, they often age pretty badly. Make sure you keep it moisturized and put sunscreen on it anytime you were sandals and it will hold up ok! Enjoy it!
Reply:Get whatever you like not what everyone else likes....c'mon your smarter than that
Reply:Depending on the design of the flower or star.
Reply:I think either one would look cool , go for it !
Reply:very cute...if i ever got a tattoo it would be on my foot
Reply:I like tattoos by the ankle a lot... if its something small like a flower or star thats kool... (tribal star or sun!)
Reply:that would look very sexy,but 2 many tattoes dont look very nice!stick 2 just 1 or 2!!
Reply:Thats would be look preety, charming and calm. this from my observe to my customers.
Reply:If thats' what you want, then go for it.
Reply:i love foot tattoos!! i have a big butterfly covering my left foot and i get comments on it all the time. i will say thought that particular one hurt worst than any of my others. its definitely a painful experience, but i guess thats the price you pay to get inked.

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