Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What's the center part of a flower?

What is the name for it... like on a daisy, the circular yellow thingy.

What's the center part of a flower?
I would say the female parts. the pistal. Daisys yellow center is little flowers comprised into one. Its a compound flower
Reply:Actually, a daisy is a compound flower (family Asteraceae). Each petal around the center is a separate "ray" bloom and each of the little parts that make the center of the flower head is a "disc" bloom.

The pistil and the stamen (that the earlier answer references) are the female and male (respectively) reproductive organs, and in compound flowers, each bloom has one of each.

It is thought that compound flowers evolved (and of course, you have to believe in evolution to buy this - which I do) to give the insects that pollinate the flowers a place to land while transferring the pollen to them. It's fascinating! The aster family is the second largest known plant family on earth behind orchids.

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