Monday, May 11, 2009

What are accessory parts of the flower? enumerate and describe each.?

Perianth - the outer floral parts, composed of the calyx and the corolla.

Tepal - used when calyx and corolla are very similar and not easily distinguished as in Lilium catesbaei (pine lily).

Calyx - the ring of sepals making up the outermost, leaflike part of the flower. Sepals are commonly green, but may be almost any color and serve primarily as protection for the other floral parts.

Corolla - the inner set of leaflike parts lying just within the calyx and composed of petals . Petals are generally white or brightly colored to attract pollinating insects to their nectar. They also serve as protection for the innermost organs.

Receptacle or torus - the apex of the pedicel upon which the organs of a flower are developed.

Floral Bracts - modified leaves which can simulate petals and add the conspicuous part to otherwise inconspicuous flowers. Examples are the red bracts surrounding the small Euphorbia pulcherrima (poinsettia) flowers; the purple, red, or white leaves enclosing the small white flowers of Bougainvillea spp. (bougainvillea); or the white leaves of Cornus florida (flowering dogwood). Many plants have floral bracts which are not colorful such as Fittonia vershaffeltii (silver nerve plant).

roller blades

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