Monday, May 11, 2009

What word means both a mark of disgrace and part of a flower?


-a religious marking on the skin.

In botany:

-a part of the female organ of a flower, essentially the terminal part of a pistil.

-a spiracle or other small spot.

In zoology:

-One of the external openings of the tracheae of insects, myriapods, and other arthropods; a spiracle.

-One of the apertures of the pulmonary sacs of arachnids.

-One of the apertures of the gill of an ascidian, and of Amphioxus.

-Spots on the wings of Lepidoptera.

In geometry:

-a point so connected by any law whatever with another point, called an index, that as the index moves in any manner in a plane the first point or stigma moves in a determinate way in the same plane.

What word means both a mark of disgrace and part of a flower?

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